Emission free airracing

Worlds first electric airrace
To reduce the effect of global warming, aviation has to reduce its emissions too. And how better to showcase the technologies available than to race the state of the art electric aircraft in close formation.
Air Race E, founded by CEO Jeff Zaltman, does just that. The first race is planned at end 2020.
Quick, swift and electric!
Designed from the ground-up, our race plane is composed of high performance, light weight composites. This ensures our airframe will have a low structural weight.
The aircraft is just large enough to fit a pilot, further reducing aerodynamic drag in order to reach maximum velocity.
The propulsion system consists of two motors driving a contra-rotating propeller set. This adds redundancy into the propulsion system. This system is going to be fully electric. At max throttle there will be 150KW power available to the pilot!

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